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Classroom Training Services
Classroom Training - Level One - Basic Training
Basic Training teaches on-leash training in just 8 weeks.

Class One:
An orientation class without dogs. This is an opportunity to discuss your dog's in-home behavior problems during an extensive question and answer period. Also, samples of required equipment are displayed.
Classes Two Through Seven:
All basic obedience lessons are taught with the goal to achieve excellent on-leash obedience competence and restructure your relationship between you and your dog so that you work together as a "team". Skills taught are: sit, come, down, stay, heel, finish and stand for examination.
Class Eight: Graduation Day!
Dogs and handlers compete in a fun version of a regulation obedience competition. Graduate medallions are awarded as well as special awards for highest scoring and most improved dogs.
Our Guarentee
If, after completion of the Basic Training Course, your dog has not achieved a level of performance to qualify for graduation, you may continue to attend classes at no further charge until your dog is qualified for graduation. This guarantee is limited to owners who attend all classes and follow our program and work diligently with their dog as specified by the trainer. Note: This guarantee DOES NOT apply to any of the IN-HOME Training Services.
Required Equipment
A metal choke collar, 6 foot leather leash and 10 foot cotton web leash are required equipment. (Samples will be shown at the orientation session). For more information about required equipment, click here.
An orientation class without dogs. This is an opportunity to discuss your dog's in-home behavior problems during an extensive question and answer period. Also, samples of required equipment are displayed.
Classes Two Through Seven:
All basic obedience lessons are taught with the goal to achieve excellent on-leash obedience competence and restructure your relationship between you and your dog so that you work together as a "team". Skills taught are: sit, come, down, stay, heel, finish and stand for examination.
Class Eight: Graduation Day!
Dogs and handlers compete in a fun version of a regulation obedience competition. Graduate medallions are awarded as well as special awards for highest scoring and most improved dogs.
Our Guarentee
If, after completion of the Basic Training Course, your dog has not achieved a level of performance to qualify for graduation, you may continue to attend classes at no further charge until your dog is qualified for graduation. This guarantee is limited to owners who attend all classes and follow our program and work diligently with their dog as specified by the trainer. Note: This guarantee DOES NOT apply to any of the IN-HOME Training Services.
Required Equipment
A metal choke collar, 6 foot leather leash and 10 foot cotton web leash are required equipment. (Samples will be shown at the orientation session). For more information about required equipment, click here.
Classroom Training - Level Two
Perfect on and off leash obedience and begin learning jumping skills. 8 weeks

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Basic Training
Most work is off-lead. On your command, your dog learns to jump three different types of obstacles (High Jump, Bar Jump and Broad Jump) as well as a series of jumps. Your dog will learn how to drop to the ground instantly from a distance or while moving and stay in position until called.
Off-lead work is polished and perfected. Your dog learns to heel off-leash as well as come when called despite distractions. Sit/Stay and Down/Stay commands are performed with the owners out of sight of the dogs. Of course, distractions become more challenging too, because cats, food and many other temptiong offerings are used to entice your dog.
Classroom Training - Level Three
Skills Taught: Agility, tricks and advanced obedience - 8 weeks

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Classroom Level Two.
All work is off-lead. Your dog will address the challenges associated with an obstacle course including a Triple-Jump, Tunnel, Hoop-Jump, Pause Box, Table and an 8 foot Scaling Board. Your do will also learn "tricks" including "Bang - You're Dead", Jumping through a Hula Hoop, Carrying Groceries.
Your dog will learn the Hand Signal Exercise: Sit, Stay, Down, Come and Finish at a distance. Performed with hand signals only - no voice commands are allowed.
Classroom Training - Level Four - 8 weeks
Skills Taught: Agility, tricks and advanced obedience

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Clasroom Level Three.
All work is off-lead. More obstacles are introduced to challenge your dog including the Double Bar Jump, Triple Bar Long Jump, Table, Collapsed Tunnel, Crawl Tunner and the Weave Poles. More "tricks" are learned as well including Take a Bow and Crawl.
We also teach "Report" (carrying objects from one person to another over long distances). Your dog learns how to "Find My Keys" and search for lost objects locating and tracking your scent.
Your dog will learn the "Control Exercise" which consists of the following: Send your dog away from you in a straight line, stop him in a sit, call him, stop him in a stand, down him, back up to a sit, come and finish. This one is challenging and fun!
All work is off-lead. More obstacles are introduced to challenge your dog including the Double Bar Jump, Triple Bar Long Jump, Table, Collapsed Tunnel, Crawl Tunner and the Weave Poles. More "tricks" are learned as well including Take a Bow and Crawl.
We also teach "Report" (carrying objects from one person to another over long distances). Your dog learns how to "Find My Keys" and search for lost objects locating and tracking your scent.
Your dog will learn the "Control Exercise" which consists of the following: Send your dog away from you in a straight line, stop him in a sit, call him, stop him in a stand, down him, back up to a sit, come and finish. This one is challenging and fun!
Classroom Training - Level Five
Advanced Training "PiSquared" - 8 weeks

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Clasroom Level Three
Success at the Intermediate Level qualifies your dog to enter our top advanced level of training known as the PiSquared Class. Our "tongue in cheek" name for the "top advanced level". This level has evolved into a "continuing education" course for those students who simply cannot get enough dog training. In other words, you can continue training with the same group of people for as long as you desire. There are always new things to learn and new challenges in every session.
PiSquared Level members celebrate the Christmas season with an annual Christmas party (all PiSquared dogs are invited). They also participate in parades and exhibitions for schools and community associations to demonstrate their skills and illustrate the advantages and joys of sharing their lives with a "Canine Good Citizen".
The Pi Squared Level Orientation has now become known as the "Pizza PiSquared Orientation" because the groups have decided to meet at a local pizza parlor for the orientation class.
At the end of the training year (May) all of the PiSquared classes compete in the "Annual PiSquared Olympics" in various Obedience and Agility competitions while enjoying an outdoor BBQ. Prizes are awarded for the top scores in each category. The dog with the best overall scores is awarded the "Top Dog Of The Year" trophy. The Pi Squared Level has grown into a group of people who consider themselves friends and are always happy to accept new friends into "the club".
Success at the Intermediate Level qualifies your dog to enter our top advanced level of training known as the PiSquared Class. Our "tongue in cheek" name for the "top advanced level". This level has evolved into a "continuing education" course for those students who simply cannot get enough dog training. In other words, you can continue training with the same group of people for as long as you desire. There are always new things to learn and new challenges in every session.
PiSquared Level members celebrate the Christmas season with an annual Christmas party (all PiSquared dogs are invited). They also participate in parades and exhibitions for schools and community associations to demonstrate their skills and illustrate the advantages and joys of sharing their lives with a "Canine Good Citizen".
The Pi Squared Level Orientation has now become known as the "Pizza PiSquared Orientation" because the groups have decided to meet at a local pizza parlor for the orientation class.
At the end of the training year (May) all of the PiSquared classes compete in the "Annual PiSquared Olympics" in various Obedience and Agility competitions while enjoying an outdoor BBQ. Prizes are awarded for the top scores in each category. The dog with the best overall scores is awarded the "Top Dog Of The Year" trophy. The Pi Squared Level has grown into a group of people who consider themselves friends and are always happy to accept new friends into "the club".
Canine Good Citizen Course
American Kennel Club Certified - 8 weeks

The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program is designed to recognize dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. This rapidly growing nationally recognized program stresses responsible dog ownership for owners and basic training and good manners for dogs.
All dogs who pass the 10 step CGC test will receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club. The AKC CGC Program provides an excellent foundation for training in other fun activities such as Rally, Obedience, and Agility and results in a well-mannered dog.
Why is the CGC Certificate Important to You?
Some therapy dog groups require passing the CGC Test as a prerequisite
1. Some insurance companies recommend CGC training
2. An increasing number of apartments and condos are requiring CGC training for resident dogs
3. Police departments and courts recognize the CGC certificate as evidence of responsible ownership
Our Trainer is a certified Canine Good Citizen Evaluator . Our Canine Good Citizens classroom
course will teach the skills required to pass the Canine Good Citizen's Test. Graduation exercises for this
class will be conducted in the form of a Canine Good Citizen's test. If a dog and handler passes the test,
the Trainer will award them a qualifying score and the AKC paperwork to allow them to apply for the CGC
certificate from the American Kennel Club.
Flyball/Treibball Course - 8 weeks
This course teaches the exciting and challenging skills of Flyball and Treibball

Flyball is a dog relay race in which dogs jump over a series of hurdles, trigger a spring-loaded box to release a tennis ball and return over the hurdles.
The dogs are divided into teams and each team competes for the "best time". If your dog is active and energetic, this is a great way for him to burn energy while learning a fun interactive dog sport. Dog's love this exciting sport which builds confidence and enthusiasm.
Treibbal is the hot new dog sport which combines "hockey", "soccer" and "herding" skills. The dogs learn to "herd" giant balls through goal posts by pushing them with their nose, feet or body. The dogs are divided into teams and each team gets an allotted time to make "goals".
The team with the highest number of "goals" is the winner.
Flyball is a dog relay race in which dogs jump over a series of hurdles, trigger a spring-loaded box to release a tennis ball and return over the hurdles.
The dogs are divided into teams and each team competes for the "best time". If your dog is active and energetic, this is a great way for him to burn energy while learning a fun interactive dog sport. Dog's love this exciting sport which builds confidence and enthusiasm.
Treibbal is the hot new dog sport which combines "hockey", "soccer" and "herding" skills. The dogs learn to "herd" giant balls through goal posts by pushing them with their nose, feet or body. The dogs are divided into teams and each team gets an allotted time to make "goals".
The team with the highest number of "goals" is the winner.
Pet Emergency First Aid Course - 3 weeks
Can you treat a problem at home or should you head for the veterinarian?

1. What to do if your pet eats something dangerous
2. How to treat diarrhea & vomiting
3. Treatment of minor wounds
4. How to treat broken nails
5. How to recognize serious illness that requires immediate care
6. Pet CPR
7. How to safely transport an injured pet
Health and Grooming Course - 3 weeks
Save $$$ in grooming and veterinary care by learning a few simple skills

Save $$$$ in grooming and veterinary care by learning a few simple skills
1. How to cut your pet's nails
2. How to clean ears
3. Simple dental care for healthy teeth and clean breath
4. Easy grooming techniques such as:
- Effective brushing and combing
- Safe use of trimming scissors
- The proper use of an electric clipper.
1. How to cut your pet's nails
2. How to clean ears
3. Simple dental care for healthy teeth and clean breath
4. Easy grooming techniques such as:
- Effective brushing and combing
- Safe use of trimming scissors
- The proper use of an electric clipper.
Better Diets For Healthier Pets - 3 weeks
Give your pet a longer and healthier life through better nutrition

Learn about
1. The truth about commercial dog foods
2. What the dog food label doesn't tell you
3. The best dog foods available
4. Healthy supplements and natural additions to your pet's
5. What type of commercial and supplemental foods to avoid
6. Vitamins and minerals
Basic Manners Course - 3 weeks
This course is designed to teach mannerly behavior in everyday situations

This course is designed to teach mannerly behavior in everyday situations such as
1. Greeting visitors politely
2. Entering and exiting a car
3. Meeting other dogs
4. Table and mealtime manners
5. Correcting chewing, hand biting, jumping, food stealing and other behavior problems
In-Home Training Services
The Puppy Clinic - 1 In-Home Visit
A Very Special In-Home Program

Who Should Participate?
Our Puppy Clinic is for puppies between 2 and 5 months of age. This is an extremely important time in your puppy's life when good habits are easy to establish and bad habits are easily corrected.
What You Will Learn:
You will learn how to:
*Establish a relationship of mutual respect
*Head off bad habits such as jumping - hand biting - chewing - housebreaking before they become adult problems!
*Deal with problems between your children and your puppy
*Socialize your puppy so he develops into a confident adult
*Cure bad habits and teach good manners
*Walk on a leash without pulling
*Come when he or she is called
The Clinic consists of:
A private, hands-on, in-home puppy class with our professional trainer to demonstrate proper training methods. Our Trainer works with you and your puppy, in the quiet atmosphere of your own home, to perfect your training skills and give you personal advise about YOUR DOG.
Why An In-Home Puppy Clinic Rather Than "Puppy Classes"?
Puppy "training" classes may make lots of money for trainers but usually accomplish very little in the way of "training" your puppy.
Young puppies have a limited attention span and are easily distracted. They are better served by learning in the quiet atmosphere of their own home. Puppy classes usually amount to little more than "play time". We teach you all of the techniques to get you off to a good start with your puppy and we concentrate our attention on your individual dog. We believe this provides you with expert personal advise without wasting your time or money.
When Should I Start Formal Adult Training?
When your puppy is 5 months or older he or she will be ready for regular Obedience Training. Before that age your puppy can easily become frightened or confused by adult training. This will slow down his progress and damage the relationship of trust that you wish to achieve. The skills you learn in the Puppy Clinic will head off behavior problems and teach simple skills that will make your puppy controllable and well-mannered without cutting short his "puppyhood".
What Can My Dog Learn in The Future?
Establishment Dog Training, Ltd. offers 4 levels of training beyond Basic Obedience. We can teach your dog to carry your groceries, find your lost keys, run through tunnels, climb over obstacles, jump through hoops, retrieve, roll over, play dead, take a bow, obey silent signals, crawl, walk a catwalk and other fun skills. Once you have graduated from Basic Training, you may continue training to transform your dog into a "Super Dog".
Our Puppy Clinic is for puppies between 2 and 5 months of age. This is an extremely important time in your puppy's life when good habits are easy to establish and bad habits are easily corrected.
What You Will Learn:
You will learn how to:
*Establish a relationship of mutual respect
*Head off bad habits such as jumping - hand biting - chewing - housebreaking before they become adult problems!
*Deal with problems between your children and your puppy
*Socialize your puppy so he develops into a confident adult
*Cure bad habits and teach good manners
*Walk on a leash without pulling
*Come when he or she is called
The Clinic consists of:
A private, hands-on, in-home puppy class with our professional trainer to demonstrate proper training methods. Our Trainer works with you and your puppy, in the quiet atmosphere of your own home, to perfect your training skills and give you personal advise about YOUR DOG.
Why An In-Home Puppy Clinic Rather Than "Puppy Classes"?
Puppy "training" classes may make lots of money for trainers but usually accomplish very little in the way of "training" your puppy.
Young puppies have a limited attention span and are easily distracted. They are better served by learning in the quiet atmosphere of their own home. Puppy classes usually amount to little more than "play time". We teach you all of the techniques to get you off to a good start with your puppy and we concentrate our attention on your individual dog. We believe this provides you with expert personal advise without wasting your time or money.
When Should I Start Formal Adult Training?
When your puppy is 5 months or older he or she will be ready for regular Obedience Training. Before that age your puppy can easily become frightened or confused by adult training. This will slow down his progress and damage the relationship of trust that you wish to achieve. The skills you learn in the Puppy Clinic will head off behavior problems and teach simple skills that will make your puppy controllable and well-mannered without cutting short his "puppyhood".
What Can My Dog Learn in The Future?
Establishment Dog Training, Ltd. offers 4 levels of training beyond Basic Obedience. We can teach your dog to carry your groceries, find your lost keys, run through tunnels, climb over obstacles, jump through hoops, retrieve, roll over, play dead, take a bow, obey silent signals, crawl, walk a catwalk and other fun skills. Once you have graduated from Basic Training, you may continue training to transform your dog into a "Super Dog".
Why We Recommend That You Start With
"In-Home Training Program One"
Training Now!
Unless you are confident and certain about which In-Home Program to select, In-Home Training Program One (TRAINING NOW!) is recommended for the following reasons:
Despite the fact that most dog owners feel that their dog's behavior problems require significant or extended training, they are often surprised that we consider the problem easier to resolve. The problem is that the dog owner simply does not understand the techniques for resolving those problem. By approaching In-Home Training a step at a time (beginning with In-Home Training Program One),
you will save yourself a lot of time and money.
The first In-Home Training Session gives you the opportunity to meet the trainer and gives the trainer the opportunity to meet you and your dog where the problem behavior is taking place. During this all-important first visit, you and the trainer will be able to get a clearer understanding as to whether or not additional training is appropriate. The decision to pursue additional In-Home Training is entirely yours.
If you decide to enroll in a larger program (such as the 4 visit, 6 visit or 8 visit program), the tuition that you have paid for the "Training Now!" visit will be applied to the tuition charge for the larger program AND the "Training Now!" In-Home Training visit will be considered the first visit of the larger program. In other words, if you were to chose In-Home Program Two (4 visit program), the payment of $150 for the "Training Now" visit will be deducted from the tuition for 4 visit program.
Additional In-Home Training Visits are not charged at $150 per visit. You will notice that the more In-Home Training Visits, the less costly it is per visit. For instance, the 8 visit program is NOT 8 X $150 or $1,200
but rather $825.
We also customize programs that may include a number of visits not listed in the programs presented below.
Why We Recommend That You Start With
"In-Home Training Program One"
Training Now!
Unless you are confident and certain about which In-Home Program to select, In-Home Training Program One (TRAINING NOW!) is recommended for the following reasons:
Despite the fact that most dog owners feel that their dog's behavior problems require significant or extended training, they are often surprised that we consider the problem easier to resolve. The problem is that the dog owner simply does not understand the techniques for resolving those problem. By approaching In-Home Training a step at a time (beginning with In-Home Training Program One),
you will save yourself a lot of time and money.
The first In-Home Training Session gives you the opportunity to meet the trainer and gives the trainer the opportunity to meet you and your dog where the problem behavior is taking place. During this all-important first visit, you and the trainer will be able to get a clearer understanding as to whether or not additional training is appropriate. The decision to pursue additional In-Home Training is entirely yours.
If you decide to enroll in a larger program (such as the 4 visit, 6 visit or 8 visit program), the tuition that you have paid for the "Training Now!" visit will be applied to the tuition charge for the larger program AND the "Training Now!" In-Home Training visit will be considered the first visit of the larger program. In other words, if you were to chose In-Home Program Two (4 visit program), the payment of $150 for the "Training Now" visit will be deducted from the tuition for 4 visit program.
Additional In-Home Training Visits are not charged at $150 per visit. You will notice that the more In-Home Training Visits, the less costly it is per visit. For instance, the 8 visit program is NOT 8 X $150 or $1,200
but rather $825.
We also customize programs that may include a number of visits not listed in the programs presented below.
In-Home Training Program One
Training Now! - 1 Visit
When Waiting For A Classroom Course To Start Is Not An Option

I Need Help Now! : Generally One Visit
There have been thousands of occasions when we have received a call from someone who beleives that their dog's behavior problems are unsolvable. Individual behavior problems are addressed quickly and effectively.
The "Training NOW!" program was designed as a single in-home visit program to address individual behavioral problems that cannot wait for a training class.
There have been thousands of occasions when we have received a call from someone who beleives that their dog's behavior problems are unsolvable. Individual behavior problems are addressed quickly and effectively.
The "Training NOW!" program was designed as a single in-home visit program to address individual behavioral problems that cannot wait for a training class.
In-Home Training Program Two - 4 Visits
The mini-basic-training course / Developing Control

This course was designed to meet any of the 3 following purposes:
Its first purpose focuses on resolving significant in-home behavior problems in dogs over five months old. These chronic problems develop over a period of time during which the dog's behavior has gone "unchecked" and requires more attention than a single in-home visit can provide.
Its second purpose is as a "Mini-Basic Training Course" for people anxious to start working with their dog and want to get a head-start with some Basic Training Techniques. Finally, it is also used by people who want "some training" but do not want the full In-Home Basic Training Course.
This course teaches the following commands and skills. (On-Leash Training Only): Walking On A Leash (without pulling), Coming When Called, Sitting and Staying, Laying Down and Staying, General Manners.
Its first purpose focuses on resolving significant in-home behavior problems in dogs over five months old. These chronic problems develop over a period of time during which the dog's behavior has gone "unchecked" and requires more attention than a single in-home visit can provide.
Its second purpose is as a "Mini-Basic Training Course" for people anxious to start working with their dog and want to get a head-start with some Basic Training Techniques. Finally, it is also used by people who want "some training" but do not want the full In-Home Basic Training Course.
This course teaches the following commands and skills. (On-Leash Training Only): Walking On A Leash (without pulling), Coming When Called, Sitting and Staying, Laying Down and Staying, General Manners.
In-Home Training Program Three - 6 visits
Our Full On-Leash Basic Training Course

Our Full On-Leash Training Course
A 6-Visit Basic Obedience In-Home Program
This structured program involves six in-home visits (one hour each) achieving all traditional Basic training skills (on leash only) and addresses all In-Home behavior problems.
Skills include: Walking on a Loose Leash, Figure 8, Heeling, Sit Stay, Down Stay, Stand Stay, Finish. Successful completion of this course qualifies your dog to enroll in an intermediate level classroom course.
In-Home Training Program Four - 8 weeks
Full Basic Off-Leash Training

Our Full Off-Leash Training Course
An 8-Visit Full Basic Obedience In-Home Program
This is a structured program that involves eight in-home visits (one hour each) and that includes all of the training described in Programs 1, 2 and 3 and also includes training in the same skills off leash. Successful completion of this course produces a pet that is reliable to your commands off-leash despite distractions. Dogs who have completed this course qualify for our intermediate classroom courses.
An 8-Visit Full Basic Obedience In-Home Program
This is a structured program that involves eight in-home visits (one hour each) and that includes all of the training described in Programs 1, 2 and 3 and also includes training in the same skills off leash. Successful completion of this course produces a pet that is reliable to your commands off-leash despite distractions. Dogs who have completed this course qualify for our intermediate classroom courses.
In-Home Training Program Five

Contact us by phone or email to describe your specific needs.
Here are just a few examples:
Litter pan training (small dogs only)
Owners who cannot take their dogs for a walk because of physical restrictions benefit from training their dog to use a specially designed pan.
Socialization with other pets
Is your dog aggressive or overly friendly with dogs or other pets? We can "reprogram" him to interact in a mannerly way with other animals.
Here are just a few examples:
Litter pan training (small dogs only)
Owners who cannot take their dogs for a walk because of physical restrictions benefit from training their dog to use a specially designed pan.
Socialization with other pets
Is your dog aggressive or overly friendly with dogs or other pets? We can "reprogram" him to interact in a mannerly way with other animals.
Dog and kids
Do your kids have trouble interacting with your dog. We can work with the kids and pets to improve their relationship and develop a child-dog bond that will last a lifetime. Aggressive behavior Is your dog unfriendly with other dogs, friends, strangers, veterinarians, groomers or neighbors. We can show you correction techniques to cure this aggressive behavior and help your dog learn mannerly behavior and self-confidence when he interacts with non-family members. Design your own program Do you have special circumstances or special needs? We will help you design a program to meet your needs. |
In-Home Training Program Six - 4 weeks
A Professional Conformation Competition Program

A Professional Conformation Competition Program
A four visit In-Home Course.
This course is designed to help you compete with the pros. Competing in Dog Show conformation classes is somewhat daunting for the first- time competitor, but we can help you on your way to a conformation Championship.
We will evaluate your dog so that you understand his/her strong points and weaknesses and teach you how to "stack", "gait" and "bait" your dog to enhance his best qualities and minimize his imperfections.
We will teach you the tricks that professional handlers use to capture the ribbons, how judges evaluate your dog and how to make your dog stand out in the crowd
A four visit In-Home Course.
This course is designed to help you compete with the pros. Competing in Dog Show conformation classes is somewhat daunting for the first- time competitor, but we can help you on your way to a conformation Championship.
We will evaluate your dog so that you understand his/her strong points and weaknesses and teach you how to "stack", "gait" and "bait" your dog to enhance his best qualities and minimize his imperfections.
We will teach you the tricks that professional handlers use to capture the ribbons, how judges evaluate your dog and how to make your dog stand out in the crowd
In-Home Training Program Seven - 4 weeks
Perfecting Handling and Performance for Dog Show Obedience Competition

Perfecting Handling and Performance for Dog Show Obedience Competition.
A four week in-home course.
AKC Obedience Trials have stringent rules that apply to both you and your dog. These include: the number and type of commands that can be given, proper heel position, your body movements and handling of your dog between exercises. These impact the likelihood of sucess in earning the coveted CD, CDX or UD titles.
We can familiarize you with up-to-date AKC rules, evaluate your dog's performance and help you to clean up those problems that lose points in the ring. We will also evaluate your handling to help you and your dog to become a great working team that will "take home the ribbons".
NOTE: Dogs must be trained in all Basic Obedience work including: Heeling on and off leash, Figure 8 on lead, Recall, Finish, one minute Sit-Stay, three minute Down Stay. Dogs that have not yet mastered these skills should consider enrolling in our Basic Obedience Course.
Training For CDX or UD Competition also requires that the dog be previously trained in the skills required for these competitions. Dogs that have not yet mastered these skills should consider enrolling in our Advanced Obedience Courses.
A four week in-home course.
AKC Obedience Trials have stringent rules that apply to both you and your dog. These include: the number and type of commands that can be given, proper heel position, your body movements and handling of your dog between exercises. These impact the likelihood of sucess in earning the coveted CD, CDX or UD titles.
We can familiarize you with up-to-date AKC rules, evaluate your dog's performance and help you to clean up those problems that lose points in the ring. We will also evaluate your handling to help you and your dog to become a great working team that will "take home the ribbons".
NOTE: Dogs must be trained in all Basic Obedience work including: Heeling on and off leash, Figure 8 on lead, Recall, Finish, one minute Sit-Stay, three minute Down Stay. Dogs that have not yet mastered these skills should consider enrolling in our Basic Obedience Course.
Training For CDX or UD Competition also requires that the dog be previously trained in the skills required for these competitions. Dogs that have not yet mastered these skills should consider enrolling in our Advanced Obedience Courses.
In-Home Training Program Eight - 5 weeks
Learn Rally-O Training for a more natural training experience

AKC Obedience Trials Too Boring?
A five week in-home course.
Learn Rally-O Training for a more natural training experience. This is a five week In-Home Rally-O Training for fun and competition.
Rally-O is a new training competition for those that feel that the stringent AKC Obedience Trials are too formal and stiff. Rally-O combines Basic Obedience with natural movement. The handler is allowed to speak to his dog throughout the performance and may use hand signals and natural body movements to communicate.
Each Rally course is unique. The handler and dog navigates a course marked with printed signs that tell them which skill to perform. Unlike an AKC obedience trial, each course combines a new set of Basic Obedience skills in constantly varying order. If your dog is bored with AKC obedience or you are looking for a more challenging experience to sharpen your dog's skills, Rally-O may be just what you are looking for.
A five week in-home course.
Learn Rally-O Training for a more natural training experience. This is a five week In-Home Rally-O Training for fun and competition.
Rally-O is a new training competition for those that feel that the stringent AKC Obedience Trials are too formal and stiff. Rally-O combines Basic Obedience with natural movement. The handler is allowed to speak to his dog throughout the performance and may use hand signals and natural body movements to communicate.
Each Rally course is unique. The handler and dog navigates a course marked with printed signs that tell them which skill to perform. Unlike an AKC obedience trial, each course combines a new set of Basic Obedience skills in constantly varying order. If your dog is bored with AKC obedience or you are looking for a more challenging experience to sharpen your dog's skills, Rally-O may be just what you are looking for.
The Gift Of Love
The Gift Certificate
Special Pricing
Special Situations |